Delta V

2015 – 18


A technology-driven project looking at the tension between textiles, movement and data. Exploring how we can use the textiles to track and communicate the movement of a wearer, something which could be applied to Sports analytics or Motion capture.


How can the futures of tomorrow’s technologies be used to expand the functions of textiles? The divergence of material and tech is a rapidly growing area of research for many, with applications in fashion, interiors, transport, healthcare and more. This research, however, is not without tension. The limitations and properties of textiles, such as keeping us warm, comfortable, and covered up etc. do not always marry well with the possibilities of technology.


Many examples of currently integrated technologies and soft circuitry in material based products, show that there is often a detrimental side effect to either the tech or the textiles. One such example would be the washable functions of textiles, which when combined with a micro computing don’t perform so well.


How them do we distil these two areas of design to become accessible and functional? How do we create the textiles of tomorrow?